Given Names
Personal names are composed of one or more given names and a family name. For example, Ronald Wilson Reagan. Given names are names given at birth. In Western usage, the given name appears before the family name and is called the first name, or forename. A second given name is called a middle name. The family name, or surname, preserves the family name of the father. Sometimes more than two given names are used. In some cases more than one family name is used, usually to indicate the mother’s family name.
In cases where the given names and the family name of the son are the same as those of the father, the qualifier Jr. (Junior) or II (the second) is added to the son’s personal name. For example, the son of John Albert Hunter would be known as John Albert Hunter, Jr., or John Albert Hunter II.
In some Western cultures, patronymics, names based on the name of the father, are used instead of surnames or in addition to surnames. For example, Sergei Kournikov’s daughter is named Anna Sergeyevna Kournikova. In ancient Rome, personal names had three parts: a praenomen or given name, a nomen, the name of a group of families or clan, and a cognomen used as a family name or to indicate a personal characteristic. For example, Gaius Julius Caesar.
There are thousands of different given names. The following are among those in common use.
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